Tuesday, 28 April 2020

ANZAC Poster

Our task was to find the answers to the 5w questions about Anzac Day. These questions were What, When, Where, Why and Who. We then had to put our information onto a poster. Here is mine.....

Saturday, 25 April 2020

What's My Quaratine Been Like

Quarantine has been a new experience for me and has felt a little weird. I have found some positives and some negatives about lockdown.

These are the positives things that I have enjoyed during COVID - 19 lockdown I have enjoyed staying home and not having to be or go anywhere.  I have liked relaxing with my family and I have liked being able to do what I want and when I want apart from me being online schooling.  I have enjoyed not having to be so organized because I can go and get what I want when I need it. 

These are the negatives things that I have found about COVID - 19 lockdown.  I have missed not seeing my friends in person but it is nice to talk to them on meets. I am always in the same environment every day with the same people in my bubble. I can't go to the supermarket and see what I may want because you are only allowed one person per family so mum goes in.